Tuesday 18 June 2013

How be beautiful tomorrow 23-2-14

How to become a real

sleeping beauty.

Want to look amazing but can't be bothered with long skincare routines?
Well here are a few steps to help speed up the process.

step 1-  how to get prettier feet.

     Instead of spending hours scrubbing your feet, just smooth on some thick body butter (or feet lotion) and put cotton socks on top you'll wake up with amazingly soft feet!

Step 2- smoother lips

After brushing your teeth and washing all the toothpaste out take your clean brush and start rubbing your lips in circular motions with the bristles this will remove all the dead skin cells and it increases the blood circulation. After doing this you will be left with plumped red lips then pop on your favorite lip balm for your lips to soak up. 


Remember to also wash your tooth brush after doing this because it will have dead skin cells on it, if you want you can buy a cheap toothbrush and use that instead but still rinse it out with warm water so its not got dead skin cells left over. You could also do this with a lip scrub if you would like.

Step 3- softer hands

To get amazing feeling hands is really not that hard because all you have to do is wash your hands and straight after apply hand/nail cream. I know is that simple!  It works wonders because the moisture from the water when washing your hand wash will be locked in and help save and restore lost moisture that was lost during the day.

Step 4- shinier hair

Hair mask are the way to go, Always. you can never go wrong. you can get some that is for hair and scalp but mostly just for the ends of your hair and you can find one that suits your hair type in a local beauty shop or drugstore, but if you are on a tight budget just use your everyday conditioner.
Just coat your hair from the bottom of your ear to the ends with your conditioner or mask straight after freshly shampooed hair then leave either over night or how long the instructions on the bottle say. Then rinse, dry and style as normal admiring your new improved hair.

Clearer skin-

We all want perfect skin but occasionally we get that one really stubborn spot, or a patch of discoloration, especially dark circles under your eyes because you were up all nigh talking to that boy you like. We have all done it or are dong it. so..... solution?
Remember to take all makeup off before bed. this is really important, because makeup can get into pored clog and cause bacteria to produce a spot the size of a pea and that's no good. Also remember to wash you face as often as you can preferably twice a day but sometimes it can be just a bit to tiring so ill settle for as often as possible :) makeup wipes are good and take the least amount of time and effort but try to cleanse, tone and moisturize instead for a more effective skin clearer. Also drink water, water is one your new best friends! Fill up a bottle put it in the fridge so you can just grab and go before school or work (this is good if you sleep in like me) but if you do get one or two unwanted spots just use a tea tree spot stick or (my favorite) a witch stick. Rub it on and it will hopefully be gone or disappearing by morning :)

good luck














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